Provided and Developed by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and this year, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) is inviting the public to demand #MoreForMentalHealth. This includes encouraging more openness in addressing mental health, and advocating for the legislation and policies that we know through research save lives. To learn more about this year’s campaign, please visit To download the Campaign Toolkit, click here.
In addition to the campaign, we are sharing with you the following resources to promote at your institutions or organizations this month, and all year round.
Fact/Information Sheets
2022 Suicide Fact and Figures Sheet (attached)
Mental Health Conditions and Suicide (attached)
Short Videos
Mental Health Topics (in partnership with Psych Hub)
Have a #RealConvo
Please pass along these resources to help us raise awareness. Through our collective efforts, we are truly creating change to support #MoreforMentalHealth.